Let's Try This Again
This doesn’t look this nice anymore
As 2020 continues to lead to unknowns my lack of ambition when it comes to my thesis is strung along with it. I’ve found it really hard to buckle down and work on creating the actual images for the project, which is a problem because the entire project is based on images. I feel so passionate about the topic, but also incredibly lost at the same time. Just as I feel like the busiest person in the world, but also feel like I have nothing to look forward to event wise (except for my big thesis trip in November). This feeling of uncertainty is in the air, but I am back to trying to write about what I am doing, so welcome back — let’s try this again.
We left off with me trying to build [essentially] a wooden camera obscura type this — this failed. It didn’t fail but I couldn’t find a UV light strong enough that would push the image through. What about the sun you may say, well with the sun comes the surrounding shadows and light through the hole, as well. I’ve drifted away from this contraption [sorry dad] that we made and have moved to scanning and enlarging the electric way.
I actually made a Tik Tok about the first image I made this way because I was board so go check that out! https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJUj7GdU/
With scanning and enlarging comes with its own new hurtles and I’ms till lost on how I want these images to look. I have a few ideas but the materials for Van Dyke printing are pricey and I don’t want to waste my resources — but Jess how will you know what works and what doesn’t if you don’t try?? I know I know I know inner monologue in my head…. I know…
Coming up next will be a run down of my trip to Maine with my friend Laura and then after will be my 11 National Park trip coming up in November. That one is going to need a lot of blog posts.
Well, that’s about it for today folks. I’m going to try to do this once a week to hold me accountable. I believe in me, I think.
My first attempt at a St. John picture. Still not right. I have a lot to work out.